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Each spring, our graduating Fellows from the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center host Rotarians, faculty, staff, students, and local participants as they present their research on a wide range of issues affecting peace around the world.

Mark your calendars for our 22nd Annual Rotary Peace Center Conference, to be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025. The conference is organized by the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center.

Explore our past conferences to find links to inspiring talks given by Rotary Peace Fellow alumni.


From Self to Society: Envisioning Our Relationship to Peace

New Paradigms of Peace, Development and Sustainability

Peace (Re)imagined: Sustaining Justice and Hope for the Future

Peace & Resilience: Building Together a Post-Covid-19 World

Voices of Peace

Action for Peace

Pieces of Peace

Bridging Divides

Peace and Development: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal

People-Centered Approaches to Conflict Resolution and Sustainable Peace

Practicing Peace Everyday: The Art of What is Possible

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Challenging Conventional Narratives of Peace

We, the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center, welcome students of every nationality, religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation and physical ability. We pledge to create a community that is welcoming to all, grounded in mutual respect and understanding, with the goal of advancing knowledge and the practice of peace building. We are a center comprised of three equal partners whose collective purpose is the pursuit of knowledge, practice and service through the diversity of ideas, actions and people. The Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center stands unified behind our core values. We welcome you to our community and are encouraged by what we, together, can build.